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JLS Handbook CSM Online Registration

Congratulations! You are only a few steps away from accessing our unique interactive safety resource that teaches young people the skills they need to keep themselves and others safe.

About JLS Handbook CSM Online

All Child Safety Media resources are based on a recognised educational format that can be easily used by teachers and safety practitioners in the delivery of safety education. It is a dynamic programme that combines the full content of a traditional lesson with the flexibility, convenience and outstanding value of digital media.

This innovative delivery platform will enable you to impart important safety messages in a fun and practical way. Information can be accessed via the internet or activated via your desktop. Using digital images and hyperlinks, your students will be able to explore the key messages through the use of discussion-based exercises, simulation and improvisation. It gives you the experiences of a live event from the security and comfort of a classroom.

We hope you enjoy the experience!

CSM Technical Team